Tënk was born from the irresistible desire to share our passion for author-driven documentary.

Tënk’s ambition is simple: to (finally !) allow you to discover and rediscover exceptional documentary films that are hard to access.  Films from festivals, rare films, great classics, independent, international or contemporary creations, all the documentary films you’ve wanted to watch but just couldn’t find… are now on Tënk or soon will be!

The movies we like are exceptions in the stream of images that flow in our societies.  Even though they show the existing, the “real”, they claim a subjective view, diversity and the infinite complexity of experiences.  The raw matter of this genre is present.  It inhabits it.  These films continually anchor present time in the long term, establishing it as the tomorrow of the past and as the yesterday of tomorrow. They instruct us and call us into our sensitivity which is required to experience art. They are an invitation to reflect.

Changing the world is an ambitious mission, therefore, author-driven documentary choses a more modest one: to change one’s view of the world. Those fragments of life, humanity and of poetry are acts of learning about the human condition and the many ways to relate to others.  Independent and author-driven documentary calls upon everyone’s curiosity; which is why we are inviting you to join the Tënk adventure.


From the beginning, we felt like we couldn’t classify the films we love and advocate for into traditional programming categories.  Because we are working with new media, it is possible to reinvent and redefine our own topography. It is about widening perspectives, opening up the limits and allowing things to organize within a totally new frame.  

This Tënk season is imbued with the colours of the current Tënk curating team.  A central theme ties it together: diversity.  Diversity of origins, visions, genres and points of view.   Tënk offers films that are radically unusual to invite you into this multiplicity of points of view.  These selections are outside the box.  They offer access to works whose origins, shapes or duration do not affect relevance nor contemporary quality.  

There are as many viewers as there are ways to receive or create a movie. The films intertwine and the styles echo each other.  Tënk is in constant motion.  It is vibrating and moving.  We believe that in this permanent oscillation, we can find the most accurate and vibrant image of the world.