Item 1 of 4

Available for rent
52 min
France, Belgium, 2012

Production : Need Productions, Perspective Films

Vaut mieux en rire


A tender and quirky portrait of a rural region, its inhabitants and their regional radio which brings them new energy, along with sweet nostalgia. Or how a radio in the deep French countryside managed by volunteers creates a strong and essential social bond. Not only do they listen, laugh and sing to the tunes they love, they also venture into their past.

(C’est un mix de plusieurs affaires…)

A word from Tënk

Belgian filmmaker Valéry Rosier allows himself to blur the lines between reality and fiction with Silence radio. While its subjects are very much real people, they sometimes work as willing accessories to the filmmaker’s vision. Once we know the rules of the game, we can’t help but smile at the missteps of the amateur community radio hosts and the overstuffed floral décor of the homes we visit―enough to send a chill down the spine of any fan of contemporary minimalist design. The film exudes tenderness for the solitude felt by many of these Picards, enhanced by the nearly photographic framing of their shots. While alone, these men and women are connected by their radio dials and their attachment to the music of Claude François and Jacques Brel. We wouldn’t turn down a dance with them.

Christine Chevarie

Item 1 of 4
Item 1 of 4

Item 1 of 4